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Each university involved in the project (6) developed, during the last semester 2019 and the first semester 2020, short experimental Pilot Courses titled "CULTURAL STUDIES in BUSINESS PILOT COURSE" which constituted a new curricular offer for students of transversal disciplines and faculties: Economy, Business and Tourism, Political Sciences and International Relations, Entertainment Industry, Business Administration, IT management and Architecture. 

Here below the different Pilot Courses, as proposed as general scheme. Specific topics and materials are in progress to be defined in the period between June and November 2020. 

Pilot Courses are the core activity of the university partners which in the step - after summer 2020 - should check, discuss and decide which of the courses can be developed in order to become a more structured proposal of a long term Curriculum of Cultural Studies in Business.

La Sapienza University

Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations

Economics Disciplines

Introduction to History of Economic thought: critical perspectives
Ethics and economics: the global challenge
The importance of human capital

The role of economic in the contemporary society
Discontent and economics theory. The role of geography
The local-global relationship. New perspectives and their critics


Socio-Anthropological Disciplines

Economic Anthropology

Anthropology of Economics: an introduction

Commodity and market in a cultural perspective 

Sociology of Economics: open issues

Rethinking Capitalism: Economic and Society

From Polanyi to Appadurai. Economics and modernity


Characterizing Disciplines 

Sustainable Development: Agenda 2030

Development: an alternative perspective

Peace economics: the socio-anthropological thought


The dimensions of sustainability. A cultural perspective

The three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, economics, socio-cultural (inter discipline dialogue)

The sustainability of the sustainability: critical attitudes and practical considerations



Wisdom University 

Faculty of economic and social science

Economics Disciplines

Nature and content of Cultural Studies and Cultural Studies in Business.

Defining cultural studies and cultural studies on business.
Cultural studies on business as a process, relations between cultural studies in business with other social and human disciplines.

Genealogy of Economic Thought (Aristotle, Adam Smith, Enlightenment, Protestant Ethic).

Development of economic thoughts until the 18 century. Relations between labor and capital and the role of humans on economy and development.


Idealism vs materialism, Idealism vs etatism, chains of illusion (Marx vs Reiffeisen and Marx vs Freud)

Comparative analysis of Marx and Reiffeissen Work. 
Comparative analysis of Marx and Freud work
Beyond chains of illusion.


Global Political Economy

Changing relation between politics and economy. Global economy policies, and the role of large, medium and small countries / economies in a changing word.


Alternative Economics

Institutional, Evolutionary, Social, Heterodox, Cognitive, Behavioral, Sharing, Circular, Knowledge Economy.


Socio-Anthropological Disciplines

Technology, Abstraction and the Spectacular Society 
Society of the spectacle, simulacrum theories, abstraction of the reality.

Economic Anthropology
The politics of the gift, general and restricted economy, sacrificial economy, sacred and profane, energy economics, the use/misuse of energy as an accursed share of the society.


General Systems Theory, Process Philosophy and Economy Open and closed system, general milieu, cycles of capitalism, instability and equilibrium, mechanism and holism, feedback loop, noise theory. The future of politic, economic and social systems.


Ethics for the Sustainable Economy. 
Human rights, sustainable development, natural resources use and standards.

Excesses/Limits of Economy Gender, Affect and Power Feminism and economy, economy without identity, “nomos” without “oikos”, new capitalist subjectivities, emotion and affect in economy and politics


Characterizing Disciplines 

Humans information processing
Activities under which humans in a society organize their knowledge, human computing and collective intelligience, incentives for participation, social networks, social media and information ecosystems evolution


Knowledge economy
Knowledge economy, human capital as product and as productive asset.


Social cohesion dimensions supporting business and economy development
Social cohesion dimensions, achieving and maintaining social cohesion, how social cohesion affects business and economic development.


Life quality indicators and cultural studies in business
Life quality indicators and how cultural studies in business affect and improve human’s life quality indicators.


The future of CSB studies
Space for future Cultural Studies in Business, interdisciplinary studies and SCB, opportunities for students.




UBI University 

Faculty of architecture

The Portuguese university decided at the beginning of the project that it would have been the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture under the Faculty of Engineering which would have been developing the short course addressed to students of architecture.


The lecturer in charge gave furthermore a new subtitle: 

Creative Business Communication and Real Estate Economy


Economics Disciplines

Creative Economy

John Lock vs Carl Marx on ownership of production means (assets)

Real Estate Value in Business


Project work by students


Socio-Anthropological Disciplines

Market Perception

Real Estate Management

Real Estate Skills and Management

How Urban Drawing interact with Business


Characterizing Disciplines 

Sustainable Urban Economy  

Colours and Communication Methodologies

The meaning of colors to improve Architecture Business Mood


Project work by students




VGTU Vilnius

Faculty of Creative Industries

Economics Disciplines

Managerial communication

Definition and trends in management and internal communication. Management Communication Planning and Processes. Power distance, organizational culture and climate. Brand concept: from brand to personal branding. The need for personal branding. Personal Brand: message, values, uniqueness ​​ Channels personal communication: interpersonal communication, social media, press. Personal communication. Image. Visual Communication. Clothing, gestures. Oral communication, email, phone, video calls. Choosing a social media channel. Personal profile. Photo, related visual information. Content development. Reputation management. Digital privacy. Google’s “truth.”: recommendations, opinions


Socio-Anthropological Disciplines

Creative Society

The terms, research methods and problems of creative society 
Concepts of culture and the criticism of cultural industry 
Creative industries: concepts and problems
Creative class
Creative and social capital 
Managing of creativity
Life art in creative environments, creative ecology 
Creative geography: the sketches of cultural regionalistics and competition of the regions concerning creative environment
A city as the environment of creative communities
Policy and creativity
Creative aspects of entertainments
Social environment of creativity
Three T’s: technology, talent and tolerance
Creative indices of society
Society and individual: creative identity, dialogue a creative principle
Phenomenology of creative environment


Characterizing Disciplines 

Social Responsibility

Ethics and responsibility.
Political responsibility and justice.
Human rights and responsibility.
Responsibility in the consumers' society.
Ecological problems and bioethics.
Creativity and responsibility






University of Split

Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism

Economics Disciplines

Schools of heterodox economics

Heterodox economics: Behavioural economics

Heterodox economics: Cognitive economics

Heterodox economics: Sharing economics


Socio-Anthropological Disciplines

Culture and business systems

Socio-cultural identities in the marketplace

Sociology of consumption


Characterizing Disciplines 

Social responsibility in business

Business ethics

Sustainable business models

Cross-cultural communication





Euro College Kumanovo

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Economics Disciplines

Genealogy of Economic Thought

Philosophical Root of Economy/From Protestantism to Neoliberalism

Ethics for the Sustainable Economy
Economy and Ethics /Bioeconomy and Moral Economy


Global Political Economy 
Globalism and Communication Theory/Complexity Theory and the Dangers of Accelerationism

Alternative Economics 
Heterodox Economy/ From Austrian School to Rethinking Economics Movement/Criticism of Equilibrium Economy

Socio-Anthropological Disciplines

Economic Anthropology  
Gift Economy and Sacrifice/General and Restrictive Economy

Excesses/Limits of Economy: Gender, Affect and Power 
Radical Materialism and Feminism/Affect and Psychogeography


General Systems Theory, Process Philosophy and Economy 
Open and Closed Systems/ Relational Ontology, Black Swans and Hyperstition


Environmental Economy 
The Limits of Growth and the Environmental Risks/The Rise of the Clean Technology

Characterizing Disciplines 

Cultural Studies and Materialist Philosophy 
The Real Abstraction/Capital’s Contradictions/Subcultural Rituals as Strategies of Resistance

Technology, Abstraction and the Spectacular Society 

Simulation Strategies/ The Avant-garde, Situationism and the Technological Will towards Singularity


Emerging Businesses for the Emerging Technologies 
New Technology for the Industry 4.0/Supply Chain Management/Blockchain Technology/HFT


Doing Business Across Different Realities 
Work Mobility and Cultural Differences/Virtualization, Uncertainty Principle  and the end of Hommo Economicus







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