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2 M.E in Croatia by the University of Split happening tomorrow in network with the other EU partners


The Faculty of Economic, Business and Tourism of the University of Split, our great Croatian partner organises tomorrow 11/12/2020, in parallel with the other 2 partners, UBI University of Covilha and Eurocollege of Kumanovo their second Multiplier Event titled "The future of Europe and the Curriculum of Cultural Studies in Business within the Bologna process".

It's a very important day tomorrow for the CULTURAL STUDIES IN BUSINESS Project because partners are cooperating and disseminating in a synergic action, results and outcomes enlarging the network and mainstreaming the debate around the necessary meeting between Cultural Studies and Business Studies.

Here is the program and for all those who want to follow is possible also online on with these credentials

Meeting ID: 932 656 081

Password: 304110

After the welcome speech by Prof. Snjezana Pivac, Vice Dean for Teaching, Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, our Team Leaders lead by Prof. Miosevic will present and comment the Output 2 which is the proposed Master Degree Curriculum of Cultural Studies in Business and their experience in the cooperation with partners and being lecturers and developers of innovation in education.

Finally the very important element of this series of Multiplier Events, the voice of students who will share their learning outcomes and feedback.

Good work to all the teams involved in the process of Dissemination and Use of project's results of our Erasmus Strategic Partnership!


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