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2nd M.E. by Eurocollege. The Future of Europe and the CSB Curriculum within the Bologna Process


At this moment the proposed syllabus is an open document because in our consortium each university had to respect the national rules, adapted to the main EU guidelines of the Bologna Process and of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the specific vocation of the single university.

Here below the program of the event which foresees the opening speech of the Dean, Mr Ljubisa Petrusevski one of the main experts on Cultural Studies and keynote speakers talking about many different aspects under our main topic.

One key element, stressed by the project organisers is the presence of students. Their voice counts and their contributions are also contained in the "Feedback questionnaire report" uploaded in this website and in the new category of our blog which is going to be empowered from next week.

The meeting of tomorrow will be organised in a hybrid way, both in presence and online taking advance of new technologies.

Tomorrow we will spread all the links to the 3 Multiplier Events in a network organised in Kumanovo by Eurocollege, in Covilha by UBI and in Split by the University of Split, Faculty of Economic, Business and Tourism.

Stay tuned CBS followers, CULTURAL STUDIES IN BUSINESS project is disseminating and sharing important results for all universities of business and human sciences of Europe and beyond!

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