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4th Transnational Project Meeting in Tirana starting tomorrow!


Updated: Jan 16, 2020

On the 17th and 18th of January, at the Wisdom University College in Tirana, will be held the 4th Transnational Project Meeting for the Cultural Studies in Business project, K2 Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher Education.

The partners from Italy, Croatia, Portugal, Albania, Lithuania and Republic of North Macedonia are meeting to discuss about the state of art of the implementation of the CSB Pilot Course in each university (the realisation of the Output 2) with the presence of students, lecturers and representatives of Tirana Universities. Two intensive days of debates and meetings to give some updates about the online open CALL for PAPERS of the "Journal of contemporary management issues" to support the University of Split (Croatia) – promotion and candidates. La Sapienza University of Rome and Associazione JUMP – Gioventù in riSALTO from Soverato (Italy), UNIVERSIDADE DA BEIRA INTERIOR (UBI) from Portugal, Eurocollege from Kumanovo (Republic of North Macedonia), Technical University of Vilnius (Lithuania), University of Split from Croatia and SHLUJ Wisdom University College of Tirana (Albania) will take the stock of the situation talking about how is going the cooperation and the partners participations (articles and use of platforms and website) for the achievement of the objectives of the project.

All the partners will analyse the weaknesses and the strengths of the consortium planning new project ideas and waiting for the last Transnational Project Meeting in June-July 2020 in Soverato (Italy).

Here below, the full program of the meeting.

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