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Creative Business Communication and Real Estate Economy


Updated: Apr 24, 2020

3 seminars (on 20/04 - 24/04 and 27/04 2020) organised by Prof. Luis Moreira Pinto, PhD, Professor of Architecture by CITAD Research Center, Lusiada University of Lisbon and UBI University of Covilhã, Portugal, on behalf of "Cultural Studies in Business" Erasmus Plus K203 project

Yesterday 20/04/2020 the team of Professors representing UBI University of Beira Interior started a series of 3 online seminars proposed to create a connection between the topic of our project, Cultural Studies in Business and Architecture.

Yesterday the seminar hosted 2 guest Professors

Professor Ana Fidalgo, Lecturer at UBI University - “The meaning of colours to improve Architecture Business Mood.”

Professor Enriko Ceko, Lecturer at the Economics and Social Sciences Faculty at Wisdom University College of Tirana (Albania), also Lecturer on behalf of the "CSB pilot course" core activity of our common project, who gave a lesson titled “John Locke vs Karl Marx on ownership of production means (assets)"

The seminar had 33 people attending, among them 3 invited teachers and 30 students. An exercise was launched and will be delivered on May 8th, where students of architecture, will look for buildings, and choose one that fits the language and philosophical thinking of Karl Marx. In parallel, another lesson was also presented by Prof. Miguel Moreira Pinto and Prof. Ana Fidalgo on the theme "Architecture Sensitivity", where they explored how important communication is for the architectural profession and the architectural business.

Here below some pictures of yesterday session, the concept of the 3 seminars and the next upcoming dates! Stay tuned on CSB Channels!

24 of April, Friday, at 11:30 am (Portuguese time)

Professor Edith Bregu - Vice Dean/ Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Wisdom University College/ Trainer and Development Officer, CENTURY 21 Albania

"Real Estate Skills and Management"

at 3:30 pm (Portuguese time)

Professor Paulo Carvalho - "Climate change and its impact on architectural project business management"

Professor Miguel Moreira Pinto - “Real Estate Value in Business”

27 of April, Monday, at 11:45 am (Portuguese time)

Professor Claudia Beato - “How Urban Drawing interact with Business”


Abstract: In recent decades, many of the activities of our society change its structure and expanding its borders. It was necessary to go beyond the border and seek new solutions to the demands of a new "world". Education is the base of everything, and when we talk about architecture, we look around, and a new challenge is in front of our students. How to make architecture without “delete” the memory of the past? How to understand the meaning and the values of heritage? Architecture has always been the result of the delicate balance between art and science. Between the urban layout and the building. Between the volumes, shapes, colours, textures and proportion. Between past and present. Architects are now using a different methodology to conceiving projects. They work between atmospheres and emotions. They care about the meaning of shapes and colours, for example. Frank Lloyd Wright explains that; “The Architect must be a prophet, a prophet in the true sense of the term; if he can’t see at least ten years ahead don’t call him an architect” (Wines 2000). The aesthetically interpretation of the space, and its heritage it is something very particular, and individual it’s a way of business communication. The way how we see, or how we understand architecture it depends directly from our individual culture. Architecture communicate with people and interact directly with them, and communication during the business process will improve them mood in many different ways. Communication in business is the main vehicle to understand the meaning of architecture, the local heritage and culture. The way how architecture communicate and the way how teachers of architecture will express them ideas and concepts about architecture and heritage is the main point to develop a good knowledge and to develop students know how about this issue, and be modern business men. We could say, that perception leads to the expression, and the expression is essential for the perception. One “sees” and “interprets”, the other “represents”. What we observe provokes feelings, which are interpreted in accordance with our way of life and cultural wealth. Shapes, colours, textures, proportion, scale, etc., are ways of communication that must be understood as examples of interaction between people mood, local heritage and local culture. Architecture could improve the harmony between the Man and the world. (Alfonsin, 1993). When we talk about management, we need to make comparisons between various management courses in our country of origin and in other countries. When we consult the curricula of the various courses, we come to the conclusion that they are very similar to each other, and that the areas that relate directly to culture, to history, or even to the cultural identity of a specific place, are almost non-existent at the level of curricular unit. We therefore understand that when we talk about communication, we should include the curricular substrate directly related to the specific characteristics of a particular country and also not forgetting the global market. In other words, the necessity of preparing managers who know how to communicate and who are able to transmit a strong message, so that it is understood by everyone and not only by other managers. For example, in the world of architecture, very few architects know how to manage an office of architecture. Architects are almost always able to manage their architectural project, but then when it comes about the business itself, they can't solve it the best way possible. Even with regard to the problematics of the calculation of fees, they are often estimated without any specific presupposition. We must not forget that at the university, in addition to teaching future architects how to design, we should also teach them how to turn architecture into a profitable and sustainable business. This is a real Cultural Business process. The lessons methodology has an important cultural and psycho-pedagogical role, especially in the world of education, where students and future architects benefit from it. For this reason, it is a vital tool in the training, that teachers from drawing subject spread ideas and concepts of communication during the project management process and the business itself at various levels and in multiple scenarios. 1-The purpose and objective of the course: COMMUNICATION The course allows students to develop a set of practical skills in using game elements using Perception Vs Communication case studies. Should Relate discipline(s) with professional reality and understanding ways of creating an effective Management of a project of architecture and exploring the intangible value about architecture landscapes also. Business Culture, in an architecture course should be contextualized (time, space) and could be understood like a vehicle of persuasion that will influence the individual taste and link the shape to the local culture in a specific moment. With communication we hope that the future architect will describe the situation with a captivating narrative. Using the meaning of forms and colors, architectural styles and their relationship with the place as the basis of a creative thinking. Through the way in which the communication will be used or applied during the creative process, the student will start to understand the meaning of communication in architecture, to know how to express, understanding the meaning of colors Vs shapes, an intangible way of communication and to have skills to manage a project of architecture or an urban layout in Global World 2-The Psychology and Motivation: Beyond communication Learning through games is a technique for motivation, so it ties very directly into psychology. This unit introduces the behavioral psychology concepts relevant to the intangible values of the heritage place. Like the value of the building in the point of view of real estate and in the point of view of the architect. Colors, textures, materials, layout, etc. are some issues that will improve the “spirit” of the place or not. Here we can use a game named “corners”. It is a game in which the form is divided into 4 groups, each group will have a spokesperson, and where the groups are distributed one in each corner of the room. Then, based on a suggested question for discussion, each group will give its answer either through drawings, diagrams or a short text, writing or drawing on a sheet of paper stuck to the wall. Afterwards each group will change position to the next corner, and will "correct" or change the answers of the previous group and so on. At the end, each group will return to the starting sheet, and will see what the other groups have wrote or corrected about their initial opinion. Finally, each speaker will discuss with each other, without anyone else's participation, until they can come up with a final and common text that will answer about their initial question. 3-How to promote Architecture Business Business management should involve a creative, human-centered, thoughtful process to achieve the best results. Those with important considerations and options about the meaning of the place, in a subjective way and the meaning of the value of the place in an objective way. The promotion of a place is directly related to the sense of joy and social psychic well-being. Thus, the student will be led to draw and reflect about what is a collective good. The exercises will be carried out through a game scheme, which through loose domino type pieces, will be placed on a flat surface, in order to design a kind of mind map, designed, with the premises of what should be included in the future architectural project, so that it has a high chance of becoming the business of the future. These permissions were previously decided and considered in group. 4-Learning outcomes Students will understand practical ways for improving them skills about Business in architecture, and about its meaning. The main outcome will help to interact with architecture projects as well with clients and real estate market. Students will have Know-How about the intangible values of architecture meaning and will understand communication as a vehicle to promote the project and the place itself. Know strategies of dissemination of an idea and a concept through communication and doing business at the same time.

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