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CSB Project moving on!! It's time for Multiplier events and La Sapienza launches a 3rd Pilot Course


November started in a not easy climate for all, Europe and the world. We are aware of this but our Erasmus project "Cultural Studies in Business" is going on collecting results and starting a final phase of Multiplier Events.

The CSB Project started in 2018 and it was supposed to end on 31/08/2020. Due to COVID pandemic as all many other European projects we could postdate and take some more time to develop the most important activities.

After a first year when partners got to know each others and La Sapienza leaded the whole starting process until the creation of the Output 1 "In-depth analysis of the status quo of Economic Studies in Europe" published on our website at the link, and organizing the 1st Transnational Project Meeting in December 2018 and the Training Week in March 2019, both events in the eternal Capital of Rome, not it's time to close some project circles and go towards the new end established on 28/02/2021.

The core activity happened exactly in between the pandemic outbreak like a domino effect in all Countries. Partners designed and proposed 6 different Pilot Courses of Cultural Studies in Business and developed lessons. La Sapienza organized a first shorter course in the first semester 2019, and students could attend in presence and in the first semester 2020, online Covid edition. Partners did the same. Just some lessons between February and March were possible in presence but the rest until June was online.

The 6 proposed Pilot Courses are published at the link

Some evaluation processes are still ongoing from September 2020. Others ended with project works created by students and presented to lecturers and colleagues with a public speech.

Our blog is telling almost "live" what is going on and we dedicated a category to students. The motto of this phase is "students' voice counts". Team Leaders sent to students enrolled in the Pilot Courses a feedback questionnaire to fulfil collecting their evaluation and points of views. A report is coming soon!

Finally, great news from each university is also reaching the coordination team:

- partners are planning and organizing Multiplier Events between November 2020 and January 2021. The last series has to be realised before the end of the project in order to multiply the effects of our project, promote, share and disseminate what has been produced.

- The Output 2 (Cultural Studies in Business enriched curriculum) is in progress. La Sapienza team is drafting a first canva and is asking the help of each partner.

- The Output 3 (International Journal of Cultural Studies in Business), after a very long, tiring and time consuming editing phase, is almost ready and we wait for the final version within November.

Until now everything goes more or less like it was planned but, something more and extra is about to start. On paper EU projects give guidelines to partners to start processes of innovation and internationalization, learn from each other and develop in parallel new paths of cooperation.

CSB is also collecting these transversal results apart from the sincere friendship developed thanks to the meetings we could do along the project (in Rome, Kumanovo, Vilnius, Tirana and Covilha).

The last great news is that La Sapienza, thanks to the high approval of the first 2 Pilot Courses, launched a 3rd edition which starts on 16/11 and ends on 27/11/2020. 7 online lessons and a program which follows the same guidelines but with even more innovative contents and external participation of experts teaching in English to a new group of around 40 students.

A month of November therefore which, apart from the emotionally difficult period, is bearing great fruit in our project. The university world, like all sectors, has undergone an important jolt, between the possibility of presence lessons and forced online lessons. The universities in our partnership are represented, we would like to remind you, by high level university lecturers who have always focused on giving the maximum and maintaining a high level of content as well as attention to the individual student. Lecturers are in fact working as International Team.

Follow the blog where we are publishing the contributions and the voice of students from 6 countries united by the CSB project.

Erika Gerardini, responsible of the website editorial staff, Team Leader of the JUMP Team.

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