The 2nd report of the CSB project communication strategy through social media based on 3 months (April-May-June 2020) is now online!
Thanks to our two main media channels, the website and the Facebook page we have been promoting and disseminating the work of the consortium of 6 European Universities and JUMP association, through the publication of daily articles on different topics of interest (News from the project, Intellectual Outputs, Multiplier Events, Learning Mobilities etc).
The aim of the report is to analyse in which way the consortium developed capacity and networking potential to disseminate and use results “out of the box” of the Erasmus project, testing the impact of their activities on the community of people working or studying in connection with the main topic of Cultural Studies and Business.
From the analysis of this trimester, significant data emerged with an increase of page views, likes, reactions and followers (especially from Italy, country leader of the project).
Statistically, the percentage of people reached with the publication of articles on the FB page, shows a big gap between women (62%) and men (37%). In the section “Top Performance” the post with more reactions, comments, shares (418) and people reached (1634) is the lesson conducted by Prof. Edith Bregu from Wisdom University College of Tirana (Albania) for architecture students organized by Prof. Luis Moreira Pinto and Prof. Ana Fidalgo for UBI University (Portugal).
Furthermore, the media team coordinated by JUMP promotes hashtags which help our posts to be spread and shared: #CSBErasmusplusproject #CulturalStudiesInBusiness
The work of promotion and dissemination of our project results is constant and tells the story of our cooperation almost "live" which, as said in a previous article, is a quite unique activity on behalf of EU projects. Usually you find websites where you understand what the project is about, who are partners and results are published just at the end. CSB is different in fact!
More than 100 articles are online and we continue all along summertime, maybe a little bit less frequently... and we always have to say thanks to all CSB People!
Good people, good mood, good vibes!
Download here the PDF file of the report created by Ylenia Azzaro of the JUMP Team.
