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CSB Social Media Stream - Mid-term report of the project communication strategy through social media


Our "Cultural Studies in Business" project (CSB) is developing since the beginning two main media channels:

the website, created and managed by JUMP association;

a facebook page created by the same General Coordinator, Prof. Marchetti , co-managed with JUMP.

The CSB facebook page has been created quite in parallel with the project website at the beginning of the project in 2018. The two web communication and dissemination channels are connected and one if the mirror of the other. The strategy foresees that contents are published first on the website, than launched and spread through the facebook page.

After more than a year from the beginning of CSB it's possible to analyse data which increase and decrease depending on different factors:

- appeal of the contents

- support of partners in sharing and invite other people to like and follow

- constancy of web-developers in posting news ensuring coherence, quality and connection with contemporary issues.

In a European project, promotion, dissemination and use of project's results are fundamental activities which include reporting (partner remember what has been done and connect with the ongoing process), communication and internationalization of what each persons involved is doing at national/local level.

Our common channels communicate what is going on with daily articles on a blog and connected posts on the facebook page.

Here the 1st Social Media Stream report realised by Ylenia Azzaro of the JUMP team for the period December 2018 - March 2020. Following a 2nd report based on 3 months (April-May and June 2020) as test to check how much the consortium has the capacity to disseminate and use results "out of the box" of the Erasmus project.

Download the PDF file of the report.


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