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CSB students of La Sapienza today present their works after May online lessons


Updated: May 18, 2020

The "Socio-cultural dimension of economics" this is the subtitle given by the team of lecturers of the leading university of our Erasmus Plus K203 project "Cultural Studies in Business" to the 2 phase of the Pilot Course which ends today.

44 students enrolled for the May session explored 4 main topics:

"The role of economic today", online session given by Prof. Umberto Triulzi,

2 open panels on "Sociology of Economics: open issues", online session given by Prof. Emanuela Ferreri,

"Sustainable Development: Agenda 2030", online session given by Prof. Emanuela Ferreri; Romina Gurashi PhD; Prof. Enriko Ceko (guest lecturer in cooperation between La Sapienza University and Wisdom University College of Tirana)

"Debating the GDP: equitable and sustainable well-being (Bes-Istat)", online session given by our General Coordinator, Prof. Maria Cristina Marchetti.

Today 15/05/2020 participants to the "Cultural Studies in Business" Pilot Course of La Sapienza University of Rome present through online platform their works. They deepen a chosen topic through desk-research exploring their points of views and developing a broader understanding of what it means the meeting between business studies and cultural studies. This is the core goals of our international consortium composed by 6 universities and an NGO working together since 2018.

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