Usually websites of European projects are well-designed, colourful and impressive. When you surf them you can understand something of the project, the goals and what was planned at the beginning. It's very hard to manage a long term project and, at the same time communicate and promote what is going on among partners working in different Countries.
Our website is different, our website is a "live story telling" of CSB project!
Our website has been created at the beginning of the project in 2018 and during the first period it collected reporting and pictures of Learning Mobilities; from the second phase, after the experience in Covilha, the editorial staff gave a strong impulse to the blog publishing very frequently articles, researches, abstracts written by the international team of lecturers. We almost reached 100 posts on our blog and the project is not finished!
Cultural Studies in Business is a long term process of learning which foresees the realisation of 3 Intellectual Outputs. Here the dedicated page The first output has been a research so partners worked, coordinated by La Sapienza team in the persons of Prof. Maria Cristina Marchetti and Prof. Emanuela Ferreri, researching for almost a year from December 2018 to September 2019.
The 2nd phase is going on now and is the most interesting. The website reflects this interest and is reporting more day-by-day the real fact that, lecturers of 6 Universities in Italy, Croatia, Albania, Lithuania, North Republic of Macedonia and Portugal, are teaching - at the same time - a new Pilot Course experimenting new topics, cross-cultural and transectorial cooperations, new methods and the great challenge of "digital schooling" forced by COVID-19 world emergency.
In the last 4 weeks also our project became more "online" and never stopped!
The Italian National Agency launched an initiative titled #IoRestoErasmus (I remain Erasmus) asking to all beneficiaries to inform about ongoing processes which are maintaining "live" Erasmus projects. Here we are! CSB website increased visitors, didn't stop publishing news, high quality articles, abstracts of lessons and prestigious researches written by lecturers.
Here the data analysis of wix celebrating our affords of dissemination and use of project's results.
See you at the next analysis of our CSB website!
The JUMP Team