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La Sapienza University celebrates next week the Treaties of Rome with “Dialogues on Europe 2021”


Updated: Mar 22, 2021

Europe's largest university, and itself Italy's European University par excellence, is celebrating the birth of the first signature in European history with an incredible week of meetings and an exceptional panel of experts.

From Monday 22 to Friday 26/03/2021 all the Department of Political Sciences of La Sapienza University of Rome is involved in one of the most important events of the year: "Dialogues on Europe"

Six full days of 2-hour meetings online on Google Meet covering an outstanding variety of topics, from the history of the actual European Union to very actual issues interesting to all citizens of the world nowadays. A real global vision of the nowadays society.

Why in March? The event takes place in the week in which the most important treaties were signed by the European Founding Fathers.

"On 25 March 1957, the representatives of the six Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) meet in the Hall of the Horatii and Curiatii in the Capitol in Rome to sign the Treaties establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom)"*. ( ).

As all years, since 2018, La Sapienza University of Rome, organizes this week dedicated to the European integration and political processes and one of the main organizers is, indeed, the General Coordinator of our common project "Cultural Studies in Business", Maria Cristina Marchetti, Full Professor of Sociology of Political Phenomena. President of the Teaching Area in Political Science and International Relations. Department of Political Science. She is one of the creators of this initiative and for sure one of the "soul" of planning and development.

It's a very intensive team-work involving all lecturers of the Department in great coordination and synergy, with the participation of the Doctorate in Political Studies, the Doctorate in Public, Comparative and International Law and the Doctorate of European History, all together raising all the "Sapienza" with a common European goal.

A great organizational afford, in a difficult year for everyone, continuing the distance learning phase to which we are all forced since last February 2020.

Congratulations then to La Sapienza Team, in specific to the above mentioned, Prof. Marchetti and to the other "souls" of the CSB Project, Prof. Emanuela Ferreri and Prof. Umberto Triulzi.

As we always said during the implementation of our project, they are the "dream European team of experts and real European lecturers".

The event is for the students and for externals who have to be invited by the coordinators of each "dialogue".

* Among the national delegations, the following may be seen (from left to right): Maurice Faure (France), Konrad Adenauer and Walter Hallstein (Federal Republic of Germany), Antonio Segni and Gaetano Martino (Italy) and Joseph Bech (Luxembourg)

Article written by Erika Gerardini, JUMP Trainer, Project Designer and Manager, responsible of the editorial staff for CBS website and blog.

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