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#Erasmusdays: over 730 events throughout Europe.


Updated: Nov 11, 2019

A great event for the Erasmus People. Some ideas to participate and to join the Erasmus community on 10-11-12 October

The events included in the European map are already 731 but are increasing every day.

10-11-12 October 2019, Three days in which all over Europe the spotlight is on Erasmus: these are the #Erasmusdays , the celebration campaign that values ​​projects, experiences, opportunities, stories and the results of the European program that in 32 years, from 1987 to today has involved almost 10 million people , a large community of European citizens who have lived a life-changing experience with new learning opportunities, development of professional, social and personal skills.

Involving Erasmus students from our universities and/or students who have or had a European experience, or European volunteers present in the associations can be very significant for school students. For participating at the event you can contact the international relations offices of the universities or the student associations like Erasmus Student Network present in many Italian cities.

Source : Article written by Valentina Riboni on Erasmus Plus

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