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Fear as an attractive emotion for Cultural Business - an UBI study for the CSB Pilot Course



Paulo Jorge Claudino Luís, a student from University of Beira Interior (UBI) wrote this interesting paper to relate fear as an emotion to a cultural business level, to get this emotion seen as a calling point for a city, town or village.


It is intended to study how various attractions in the aspect of terror have achieved a network of popularity and annual visits, contextualizing the importance of popularizing a destination for the local economy.

In this document it will be studied several attractive points in world scale, with the intention of focusing a smaller area of intervention, Covilhã, this city was the chosen location to implement the intervention "The Mirrors" that later will be explained.


With the introduction of the theme "terror", the emotion of fear is questioned as being either positive or negative, today we are beginning to see an adaptation to the positivity of this emotion, however it has undergone a long period of acceptance, since fear has always been considered a negative aspect, linked to traumatic actions.

In the world of arts this theme was induced from literature, specifically English Gothic novels from the 18th century, this genre has been introduced to this world for more than a century, gaining fame also in the area of cinema, with great names like "The Exorcist", "The Jaws", "Alien" and "The Silence of the Lambs". (BANTINAKI, 2012)

Let's try to understand how this genre has adapted to tourism, because nowadays it is a theme that attracts numerous visitors to these destinations.

With one of the first appearances of tourist attraction in this genre, being the theme of the haunted houses the point of departure, we have a record in 1915 in Liphook, England one of the first haunted houses, Orton and Spooner Ghost House.

Being present all over the world around the 1970s, these attractions began to appear in theme parks like Disneyland, with data indicating the opening of the "Haunted Mansion" in 1969.

Returning to the current reality, we can see that several attractions have been adapted to less dressed places, such as the example of Mysteria in Cantar Galo and Vila do Carvalho. These events can appear with ephemeral or perennial character.

The suggestion later presented will be indicated for the location of a street of Covilhã, in the historical part of the city, since the movement in this street is more active in a diurnal period, thus intervening in the nocturnal popularity of the same.

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