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Finally ready the 1st Intellectual Output


"In-depth analysis of the status quo of economic studies in Europe"

This Report is the result of the successful cooperation among the representatives from five “Erasmus+ Macro Region” HE Institutions and a civil society organization, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) - Project Coordinator; PVPU Euro College - Kumanovo (North Republic of Macedonia); VGTU - Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas (Lithuania); University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism (Croatia); UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal); University College Wisdom (Albania); Associazione Jump - Gioventù in risalto (Italy), working together in the K2 Strategic Partnership in Higher Education - CSB - Cultural Studies in Business (2018-1-IT02-KA203-048091) 

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