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How to make the street more dynamic in times of COVID - a work by a portuguese student at UBI



Daniel Carvalho Duarte Pacheco, a student at UBI University (Portugal) wrote this paper for the CSB project during the implementation of the Pilot Course.


The objective of this work was based on the choice of one of the many streets of the city of Covilhã. Through it, we had to realize four types of approaches. In a first phase it was a previous study in small fast esquiços, in a second phase it was to realize drawings in a bigger scale to perceive not only the context of the street as the feeling created in it and in a third phase more technical, a perspective analysis of the same and a diverse analysis of the feelings and the sensations created by this street. In the last phase of work, this consisted of a small intervention to make this street more dynamic in time of covid.

Finally, having carried out all these phases of work, this gave rise to a small presentation consisting of a small sample not only at conceptual level, but also of perspective design, and of a synesthetic analysis of various moments not only with the place but also with the exercise itself.

In short, the phrase of a great architect who describes this exercise to me is by the architect Oscar Niemeyer," From a trace comes architecture. And when it is beautiful and creates surprise, it can reach, being well conducted, the top level of a work of art".


Looking is certainly different from "seeing".

During a normal day we look at spaces, objects, people and different kinds of situations. In most of these everyday events, we use sight as just another of the five senses, allowing us to perceive the outside world in a superficial way.

We rarely stop to question visually in a meticulous way the world that unfolds before our eyes. Art has a transforming power that can give us the ability to see and feel things in a different way than we take for granted. It can make us think both of mundane and amusing things and of serious, profound things and a multiplicity of sensations, senses that allow us a physical and psychological description of our state of mind.

Whatever the approach and the idea behind an artistic intervention in a public space, it always has the possibility of enriching that space and the lives of those who attend it.

The main idea is that an artistic intervention that can broaden the horizons of perception of those who come into contact with it and at the same time feel and react, in order to break the monotony installed in a certain space, and in times that have not been easy due to the current pandemic.

Design allows us to establish a more solid relationship with reality by forcing us to discriminate and understand the "how" and the "why" of shapes and colours.

In short, the study of the visual impact on contemporary society is essential to understand society itself. Its influence is global and affects almost all human activities, including architecture. Architecture and the various senses naturally develop autonomous and independent practices and theories, but there are a number of factors that link them and or cross them.

Read here the full paper.

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