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Impact of behavioral styles on student interest in study abroad


Updated: Oct 26, 2019

An Abstract of a research published on the Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business by Dr. Kim Rynearson Tarleton State University Dr. LaVelle H. Mills West Texas A&M University Dr. David Deviney Tarleton State University Dr. Tony Vrba Colorado State University Global Campus Betsy Ball Tarleton State University about the impact if study abroad on the economy and the society.

There has been a continued emphasis on global studies by business schools (Relyea, Cocchiara, & Studdard, 2008) with limited success (Fugate & Jefferson, 2001). American schools lag in international exposure and some studies indicate that the business student population is less prepared to compete effectively in a global marketplace (Bollag, 2003; Collins & Davidson, 2002). To help address this gap, various universities are engaged in international endeavors including encouraging student participation in study abroad programs. Previous research has suggested that study abroad experiences can be life changing (Furnham, 1993; Gill, 2007; Mumford, 1990) and other research has found that students with international exposure have better career success and organizational effectiveness (Relyea et al., 2008). A student’s individual behavior style may reveal their learning preference and influence perception of course effectiveness (Moghaddam, Peyvandi & Wang, 2009). Relyea et al. (2008) found a relationship between a student’s propensity for risk and willingness to participate in student study abroad programs. Identifying behaviors such as those associated with risk tolerance can bring more understanding to what draws students to study abroad programs. The purpose of this study was to identify behavioral styles that influence students’ decisions to participate in study abroad programs. Understanding these behaviors could help in how study abroad programs are marketed and how to target assignments and activities that increase the possibilities for learning (Fairley & Tyler, 2009).


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