Here below the abstract and the presentation which prof. Dario Miočević gave during the Learning Mobility in Rome (24-30 March 2019) for the CSB project. His work is focused on key theoretical advances regarding new institutionalism in international business/marketing research from both consumer and firm perspectives.
Presentations will focus on recent theoretical advances in the international marketing/business field with a special focus on application of institutional theory in understanding cross-national issues in business research. New institutionalism has gained significant popularity among international business researchers during the last two decades. Studies have documented that institutions, formal (regulations, law, policies) or informal (cultural values, norms, traditions) influence occurrences in the marketplace, by shaping behavior of both firms and consumers. This paper will focus on key theoretical advances regarding new institutionalism in international business/marketing research from both consumer and firm perspectives. Author will present recent studies and work in progress in this field of inquiry.
Written by
Prof. Dario Miočević, Vice Dean, Research & International Cooperation - Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism - University of Split (Croatia). Participant in the Training Week in Rome (24-30 March 2019) for the Cultural Studies in Business project in the field of Erasmus Plus.