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La Sapienza, leader of CSB project, started on 16/11/20 a 3rd Edition of the Pilot Course


Thanks to the number of requests by students and to the high appreciation of the other two editions developed in the first and in the second semester 2019-2020, it started yesterday another series of 5 lessons, plus a day dedicated to the presentation of students' desk research work and a finally, a Multiplier Event to close this third extra edition.

The proposed new program covers a period from 16 to 27/11/2020.

Here below the poster with all dates and topics. To be underlined that, La Sapienza Team, composed by the main Coordinator Prof Maria Cristina Marchetti (Political Sociology and Sociology of Political Integration), together with Prof. Emanuela Ferreri (Anthropology, Sociologist and PhD) and Prof. Umberto Triulzi (Economical Politics and European Economical Politics) enlarged their group inviting colleagues and researchers in order to widen the perspective of the main topic which is "Cultural Studies in Business".

The main focus of La Sapienza in this crucial experimentation phase has been the Sustainable Development Goals which put Europe in a strategic position towards other global actors.

While other partners, according to the specific vocation of each university, gave priority to other transversal topics, the leader decided to face global topics balancing with a socio-anthropological "eye" and very actual reflections on what is going on in the fields of economy and business. Are all the economical established theories collapsing or, is everything part of a visionary drawing? Is always good to question and look at the reality with a new multidisciplinary perspective. This is "Cultural Studies in Business".

As all Erasmus projects, also CSB has been affected by COVID19 pandemic, but partners are demonstrating that the learning process can go on, using technologies in the best way, sharing and bringing innovation. A new Curriculum Proposal is almost ready as the main result of Cultural Studies in Business Project. Pilot Courses developed by partners in the previous months and this one as further improvement are part of the "pilot testing and experimentation" phase assuring quality in order to deliver the requested innovation by the Erasmus Plus Program 2014-2020.

So let's follow this new programme in a November that is still a hot moment of COVID pandemic, uncertain future perspectives and actions of resilience of the educational sector.

Let's always remember that millions of educators and students are still learning online, overwhelmed by connections and stimulated by big data and huge amounts of information.

Erika Gerardini, responsible for the editorial staff of CSB website and representative of the JUMP Team, partner of this project

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