On 27/11/2020 our Croatian partner, the University of Split, Faculty of Economic, Business and Tourism published what we consider the Output 3 of our "CULTURAL STUDIES IN BUSINESS" Erasmus Plus K203 project (CSB).
It has been exactly a year of work (more in reality) and a very intensive affordance of all partners, but in particular of the team representing Croatia in our consortium which is a very smart, professional and highly competent group of 5 lecturers including the vice Dean.
Originally the project had to produce a journal titled Cultural Studies in Business but partners immediately checked that the eligibility period of an Erasmus project is not enough to create from zero a scientific journal.
Team Leaders united in Vilnius in September 2020 shared the already existing journals of their universities or in which they were involved and the Croatian team proposed "Management: Journal of Contemporary Management" as the possible option.
A public call has been published on 1/12/2019 on our website which was spread through different channels and the same lecturers decided to propose their papers. The rules behind scientific journals publication are very strict.
There are general rules for scientific writing, a format to respect including technical writing rules. Management is part of business so partners found this solution the most suitable, also in respect of the quality researched in the contents of the whole project.
Finally, today on 1/12/2020 we publish the launch article, proud to have been involved in this great process of content creation, learning and innovation development.
The journal is online on the website https://hrcak.srce.hr/ under the category "Social Sciences", sub-category "Interdisciplinary Social Sciences"
https://hrcak.srce.hr/management at this link is possible to read the main purpose of the journal and the team of researchers involved and finally the Volume n° 25, Special issue.
We like this word: "special". Yes because for us, the collective afford and the immense knowledge contained in this edition at the end of a very difficult and complex year, characterised by a global pandemic which affected - like for many others - also our ongoing project, means a lot.
We thank the editorial team, coordinated by Prof. Ivana Bilic, guest editor of the Special Issue and by Prof. Nikša Alfirević, Editor in-chief.
They guided us along this time and they worked with the difficulties of this global situation reaching a very important result for all the consortium. It's not common in a European project that a partner works much more than others and everyone is aware of the great value of their job which deserves all our commitment is sharing and promoting.
Article written by Erika Gerardini, JUMP trainer and project designer, head of the editorial staff of this blog and web-designer of this website.