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Market and Discrimination. A work by students at Vilnius Tech Faculty of Creative Industries (LT)



Gita Vygelyte and Loreta Michnovic, students of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) - Faculty of Creative Industries, worked on this presentation for the CSB Pilot Course within the Cultural Studies in Business project.


In today's world, not only technology but also the labour market is changing rapidly, making it increasingly difficult to secure a stable income and various social guarantees. Since security (whether financial or emotional) is the second level of the hierarchy, according to the pyramid of the needs of the famous American psychologist Maslow, a frequent person is interested in having the best possible job. This demand further increases competition in the labour market, so it is not surprising that there is an increasing supply of workers. With a wide range of offers, employers can choose what they consider to be the best potential employee for the position they offer. Growing competition for jobs inevitably also contains certain manifestations of discrimination against people, such as gender, religious beliefs, nationality, age and other human characteristics. Despite the many manifestations of discrimination, today we will only talk about age discrimination as one of the most pressing problems in our country.

- The employer refuses to work for a 50-year-old woman in the position of stewardess, mentioning during the job interview that young faces are needed for this representative work;

- The employee is ignored when considering promotion at the workplace, as he is 61 years old and the employer thinks he is about to retire;

- By reducing the number of hours to keep jobs, older people receive fewer hours than colleagues with the same or even lower qualifications;

- In the event of refresher training, older persons shall not be provided with information on them and younger colleagues are regularly sent to them;

- An older person is no longer invited to meetings to discuss the future of a company or organisation, although in the past his views have always been asked.

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