An intense year for the CSB Team composed of 6 University Partners from Italy, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Croatia, Lithuania and Albania and 1 Civil Society from Italy has ended.
Although the critical situation we are all living because of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to change the way of teaching, learning and thinking, the University professors and all the people involved in the CSB project have never stopped working and improving their competencies to give students the opportunity to discover new things and learn more about the Cultural Studies in Business topic.
This Report is the final work which documents the effect of all the activities carried out by the CSB Team that closes the circle of a series of actions that the consortium has implemented in 2020:
the realization of 2 Intellectual Outputs:
“Master Degree Curriculum of Cultural Studies in Business” after the proposals by lecturers and professors of the partnership of creating Pilot Courses dedicated to the CSB topics;
“Management : Journal of Contemporary Management Issues”, the scientific journal published by the Croatian partner, University of Split - Faculty of Economic, Business and Tourism;
the realization of the Multiplier Event n.2 “The future of Europe and the Curriculum of Cultural Studies in Business within the Bologna process” in Republic of North Macedonia, Lithuania, Croatia and Albania,
the realization of the Multiplier Event n.3 “Cultural Studies in Business. A new Perspective for Universities in Europe - Special edition of "MANAGEMENT", the Journal of Contemporary Management Issues” in Lithuania, Portugal and Albania.
Thanks to the online CSB channels, the CSB readers (also from overseas countries!) have followed all the events and activities carried out through daily articles published on the blog of the website dedicated to the project and on the Facebook page (190 articles published since 2018, of which 143 published in 2020. Final target 250 by the end of the project).
The goal has been reached! This European project has gone beyond the borders and the number of followers is increasing day by day.
We are happy to share this important result with the CSB readers, University partners of the consortium, stakeholders and students and we continue to work to give an important contribution for spreading culture and knowledge.
Enjoy the Report and follow us!
Article written by Ylenia Azzaro, member of editorial staff and JUMP Team Member.
Report provided by Associazione JUMP - Gioventù in riSALTO, Civil Society from Italy, partner of the CSB Project.
