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Realised on 19-20/09/19 the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting


Organised by the Lithuanian partner, VGTU in Vilnius

Another important milestone of the project has been the meeting among Team Leaders held in the capital of Lithuania after the summer. Two representatives per partner were present the two days to discuss on how the project was going, making a mid term evaluation and understanding better what were the next steps.

September has been the month of reporting towards the submission of the interim report to the Italian Erasmus Plus National Agency. Partners checked the draft report, the draft of the final version of the Intellectual Output 1 and the documents in drive which permit a good management of the project.

Important decisions on how partners would have proceed with the realisation of the Output 2 and 3 were taken. Team Leaders spent also some nice social informal moments, eating together and visiting the university and the city center.

Here some of the best pictures and at this link ALL THE PICTURES!

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