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Research Methodology


Updated: Oct 26, 2019

The research on the teaching programs in economic courses in the University systems of the Erasmus + Macro region is the first step towards the design of the pilot curriculum. The research was carried out in two phases:

1) National Reports and 2) International Survey.

National Reports

The first step of the research is represented by the production and validation of National Reports related to the state of the art of economic disciplines in the University systems of the six partner countries of the project (Italy, Lithuania, Croatia, Portugal, North Republic of Macedonia, Albania). We tried to highlight the peculiarities of the educational system by drawing attention to the relationship between degree classes and degree courses.

The methodology employed to develop the National Reports is in common in all Countries involved in the research. We set up a standard excel spreadsheet and distributed it to each partner University. For each course, we have then detected the following information:

1. name and type (public or private) of University providing the course;

2. name of the course offered;

3. level of education offered (first or second level);

4. presence or absence of modules related to the cultural studies;

5. compulsoriness or not of the module;

6. type and name of the module.

International Survey

As part of the first output of the CSB Project, we submitted a survey to an international experts’ panel (IEP) in order to collect their perception of the status of the art teaching in economic/business studies. The main objective of the survey is to stress the need of a greater integration among different fields such as a cultural change in teaching, in order to meet the requests of a job market in evolution.

The International Survey is conducted through an online questionnaire (10 questions) submitted to an International Expert Panel (IEP), composed of experts from the Erasmus Program Countries (28), the Non-EU Program Countries (5), and the Partner Countries (limited to the area of the Western Balkans, involved in the project). The IEP is built taking account the experts’ features: their research activity, publications and the role in the economic field enhance their position as experts and almost all of them come from Universities, such as a part of them from the Think Tank satellite and the job world. The IEP - composed by 275 personalities - is the result of a shared path with the partners, who give their specific expertise as important integral part of the project.

In the analysis of the data collected we divided the IEP interviewed, within the Erasmus programme, in EU and no-EU countries. The majority (97%) of the experts interviewed teaches in public Universities and only a small portion of them are part of private or other institutions. The 79% of the experts come from Economic, Business and Statistical area; only a 8% from Humanities, Political and Social Area.

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