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Separation between reality and simulation in modern life. Paper by a student of Eurocollege (MK)



Simona Naumovska, a student at the Eurocollege of Kumanovo, the Macedonian partner of the Cultural Studies in Business project, wrote this interesting paper as a final work of the process of learning started during the implementation of the CSB Pilot Course.


Everyone has the right to ask the question, why is there a race in the political field in which a lot of effort is invested and even bigger funds are spent? The answer is: struggle for survival and development of all entities, man and organizations.

Political advertising is one of the most important areas of the advertising industry. The name itself points out that it is used in the field of politics to encourage people to vote, to make their choice, to give them their advantage. This is an important part of the political process in countries where advertising of candidates for elected seats is allowed, as it is often advertising that determines the perception of political reality. It should be noted that political choice and the will of the voter are not charge free even in societies with the most developed democratic institutions. One’s decision to vote in one way or another depends on the latent effect of various regular and random factors. Political advertising is able to integrate these effects of various factors influencing electoral behavior, organize this influence and subordinate it to the election strategy of the party or candidate.

"Political advertising acts as a kind of vector that gathers possible reactions to the electorate's behavior and sets the only right direction that can bring about election success."

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