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The 2020 Call for Proposals : 3 billion euros for mobility and Erasmus + projects are coming

More investment for more projects in the field of Erasmus+. A summary of the article published on November 5 and written by ELENA MADDALENA on Erasmus + website.

Today the European Commission has published the Call for Proposals for the Erasmus + Program for 2020, the last year of the current program. The planned budget is over 3 billion euros, an increase of 12% compared to 2019 and will offer even more opportunities for young Europeans to study, train or gain professional experience abroad. Under the Call, the Commission will launch a second pilot project on European universities. Furthermore, the EU aims to create 35,000 opportunities for students and staff of African institutions within the Africa-Europe Alliance for sustainable investments and employment.

Any public or private body active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport can apply for funding for applications. Furthermore, groups of young people not formally established as youth organizations can apply. Together with the Invitation, today the Commission has also published the Erasmus + Program Guide in all official EU languages. The Guide provides candidates with details on all opportunities in higher education, vocational education and training, school education and adult education, youth and sport.

This will be the third year of school exchange partnerships - an Erasmus + action that offers opportunities for European schools to exchange pupils and teachers. Over the past two years, more than 15,000 schools have participated. In 2020, another 9,000 schools will have the opportunity to participate.

In vocational education and training, investments focus on ErasmusPro- opportunities for students and apprentices to spend between three months and one year abroad, developing their professional and linguistic skills. Since its launch in 2018, ErasmusPro has succeeded in increasing interest in long-term internships in vocational education and training and has supported over 12,000 students per year. Support will also help establish transnational «pilot» centres of excellence in education and vocational training, integrated into local and regional development strategies. The centres will work closely with other education and training sectors, the scientific community and businesses to develop high-quality programs focused on sectoral skills. In adult learning, Further opportunities in the Africa-Europe Alliance.

Source : Erasmus +

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