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"The future of Europe and the Curriculum of Cultural Studies in Business within the Bologna process"


Updated: Nov 17, 2020

We publish the welcoming speech by the Vice Rector, Associate Professor Dr. Naim Mëçalla at the National Scientific Conference which took place at University College "Wisdom" of Tirana on 4-5 Novembre 2020, as the second Multiplier Event on behalf of our project.

The Albanian partner always distinguished itself for having introduced with high competences the new proposal of the Pilot Course, a real innovation for the Country, crossing sectors and also inviting students of other universities.

Here below the speech of the Vice Rector which has the same title of the Multiplier Event as planned in the project, common for all partners:

"The future of Europe and the curriculum of Cultural Studies in Business within the Bologna process".

Dear honourable professors

Dear students and participants in this conference,

Allow me, on behalf of the University College "Wisdom" and personally as vice-rector, to thank you all, especially the speakers and organizers, who organized this scientific conference in such an unusual time as we are going through!

I feel privileged to welcome and open this scientific conference "The future of Europe and the Curriculum of Cultural Studies in Business in the Framework of the Bologna Process", at the same time I am aware that through these scientific activities we are taking important steps in regards to the implementation of the official scientific research strategy. The organization of this scientific conference by the University College "Wisdom" in the framework of the implementation of the two-year project “Cultural Studies in Business” (CSB) KA2 Erasmus + , is a clear indication that the University College "Wisdom" has at the center of its activity the research and the quality of the learning process.

The introduction of the course cultural studies in business, as an elective course in the curriculum of the study program "Bachelor" in "Business Management", is a step forward towards the curricula of european union countries and the labor market.

This conference focuses on research papers in various fields, including topics such as: sustainable education; perspectives and practices throughout higher education; the effects of higher education on economics; the growing role of education and the challenges of achieving sustainability; business model for sustainable development and cultural challenges; social responsibility - an important part of the business model, leadership and business communication, and other issues of interest.

The scientific papers that will be held by professors, students and research staff, as well as the problems that will be analyzed and discussed at this conference constitute an important contribution in regards to the recognition of the cultural studies in business curriculum within the Bologna process and will be an added value to higher education.

I wish success to all participants and good work!

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