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The Importance of colors to improve business in the street


Updated: May 12, 2020

A creative Multiplier Event in Portugal!

The team of creative lecturers and Professors of UBI University of Beira Interior organised an event which will be remembered - for sure - as one of the most innovative and creative of the Cultural Studies in Business project. Not obvious at all, held on May 2nd 2019 by the Art Gallery "A Tinturaria" in Covilhã, a welcome speech by the Mayor of the city opened the event at 9:30 pm. It followed a speech by one of the Team Leaders of CSB project, Prof. Miguel Moreira Pinto: “A resume about Cultural Studies in Business – and the Portuguese reality Vs European reality”.

Here below the rest of the program, the poster and the pictures. The event also continued the day after with students at the university giving a strong impulse to the multiplier effect needed for CSB project!

22.15-22.30 – Sandra Soares, Ph.D., UBI University, “Perception how it works?”

22.30-22.45 – Ana Fidalgo, Ph.D., UBI University, “The relation about colors and the buildings”

22.45-23.00 – Claudia Beato, Ph.D., Cabo Verde University, “The importance of Urban layout in business concept”

23.00-23.15 – Tiago Rodrigues, Architect, Private Office of Architecture “The meaning of shapes in architecture management”

23.15-23.45 – Miguel Moreira Pinto, Ph.D., UBI University and CITAD Research Center, “How colors can Improve the spirit of business”

23.45-00.00 – Conclusion by Pedro Serrao, Management, UBI University, “Resume about the Research>”

FRIDAY, 3rd of May (held at UBI University, Room 9.2)

10.30 – 11.00 - Plenary Session with Miguel Moreira Pinto and Tiago Rodrigues – “The meaning of Studies in Business. Architecture business reality. Problems and methods.”

11.00-12.00 – Artur Modlinski, Ph.D., Lodz University. “The Rule of Management”

12.00-12.30 – Debate

12.30-12.45 – Conclusions by Paulo Carvalho, Ph.D., UBI University

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Sufi Gahlot
12 janv. 2023

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