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The last 5 Multiplier Events


From 11 to 24 of February 2021 partners of the "Cultural Studies in Business" Project will be very busy in the organization of the last events to disseminate results, outcomes and outputs.

Here the agenda of the next weeks! At the end of the articles the programs and the graphics of some of the events! Coming soon all the specific articles!

The program of the event organized by VGTU on 11/02/2021 here

The program of the event organized by the University of Split. Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism on 12/02/2021 here

The program and the poster of the event organized by JUMP and the Liepaja University on 22/02/2021 here

On 23/02/2021 Prof. Maria Cristina Marchetti presents the project results to a very wide audience of student of Sociology of European Integration, there's no program

The event on 24/02/2021 organized by JUMP and the UMG University of Magna Grecia of Catanzaro has a beautiful poster designed by a professor.


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