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The process for the recognition of the Pilot Course at the Wisdom University College of Tirana


Updated: Apr 9, 2020

Mrs Lediana Beshaj, Executive Director of Research and Development Institute Wisdom of Tirana (Albania) - and CSB Team Leader, with the following article, explains the process that Wisdom University made with the Ministry of Education for the recognition of the Pilot Course, the second Output of "Cultural Studies in Business" Erasmus Plus K203 project which involves 6 University partners and 1 NGO. She analyses how the course is structured and the whole procedure for the implementation, underlining also the important contribution of Prof. Enriko Ceko who collaborated and worked with other professors on the topics of the proposed Pilot short Course with the vision and the perspective for a future longer course curriculum. Firstly, as it was part of the KA2 Cultural Studies in Business project, the Team Leader, Lediana Beshaj, proposed the offering of an elective course entitled "Cultural Studies in Business" to the Economics Department. Secondly, the Department held a meeting and decided to propose it to the Board of Deans with a draft proposal. Thirdly, the Board of Deans took a decision to approve the proposal and delivered it to the Senate. Fourthly, the Senate took a final decision on the 24.05.2019 and pursuant to the Albanian Education Law followed the articled provided therein as well as pursuant to the Statute of the University College Wisdom, article 23, point 5 and article 24, point 3, letter "k", and also based on the Economics Department decision, prot no. 249, dated on 22.05.2019, sent the decision and the study program to the Ministry of Education and Sports, to the Department of Curricula to be approved. The Ministry of Education and Sports by letter no. 5787/1, dated on 12.06.2019, approved the request for the executing the Senate decision to offer an elective course entitled "Cultural Studies in Business", which will be held in the second term of the academic year 2019-2020. The course will have 45 classes, of which 30 will be lectures and 15 seminars; it will have 4 credits and will be offered to the 2nd year students of bachelor study program. This division is based on the law, the regulation of the UCW and the study program plan. The main lecturer will be Prof. Enriko Ceko, as he has been part of all the training and he has also collaborated with the other professors to work on the topics for the course and the literature to be used. However, we are thinking that specific topics will be taught by other professors of the specific field. For the moment the Pilot Course is for Wisdom enrolled students but, Mrs Beshaj was thinking to offer the course also to other students outside the College who, in the end, they can obtain a certificate with all the elements of visibility of the project, signed by the Professor Maria Marchetti (main coordinator of La Sapienza University of Rome), Wisdom Rector and by her in the role of CSB Team Leader.

Article written by Mrs Lediana Beshaj, Executive Director of Research and Development Institute Wisdom of Tirana (Albania)

Team Leader on behalf of "Cultural Studies in Business"Erasmus Plus K203 Project

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