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The Sapienza University organizes the 2° M.E. on 14/01 involving universities of 4 Italian regions


Great news today for CSB readers!

The second Multiplier Event of the CSB project titled "The future of Europe and the Curriculum of Cultural Studies in Business within the Bologna process", organized by the Sapienza University of Rome, will be held on 14th January 2021 at 10 am on Google Meet.

A very important final event for all the people involved in the process of Dissemination and Use of project's results of this Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher Education, which will give the opportunity to stakeholders of collecting comments and suggestions for the creation of a curriculum of a Master Degree that unites economic and socio-cultural disciplines.

The event represents for the biggest university of Europe the necessary networking action, after 2 years of cooperation with partners of other 5 Countries, towards the end of the project, in order to present the definitive results of CULTURAL STUDIES IN BUSINESS PROJECT. At this link are published the 3 Intellectual Outputs and just the main important one is missing at the moment because, the last details definition is in progress.

La Sapienza decided to enlarge the network of partners in Italy inviting leading professors of universities of other 3 regions, Calabria, Campania and Umbria and also of other private and public universities of the eternal Capital. So 5 regions of the Country are involved with the aim to share and discussed especially on the main Output realised, the "Master Degree Curriculum of Cultural Studies in Business". Here below we publish the final programme!

Because of the COVID-19 restrictions, the event can be followed online at the link

On 14.1.2021 | H.10.00 SAVE THE DATE and ask from now to Prof. Maria Cristina Marchetti to participate! The event is open to everyone but it will be in Italian language. For us, the most beautiful language of the world!


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