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Towards a new European system to follow students' post-graduate paths


We translated an article written by the editorial staff of the Italian Representation of the European Commission published at the link because we find it very interesting thinking that our project is developing a new Curriculum proposal titled "Cultural Studies in Business" which we hope can enter more and more in the Higher Education systems, adopted by universities in Europe giving to a new generation of students better chances in the global labour market.

In order to improve education and training systems, it is essential to have access to good quality information on the path taken by young graduates after obtaining their higher education qualifications and their views on the relevance of their studies to the needs of the labour market.

Two reports published today by the European Commission highlight the benefits of an EU-wide career path monitoring system for graduates and graduates.

Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said: "Education and training will play an essential role for the sustainability of the European Union's economic and social recovery. Knowing the types of learning and qualifications that promote success and personal fulfilment will help us to improve the efficiency and relevance of Europe's higher education systems and to anticipate and anticipate the professions of the future so that we are ready for these developments".

The European pilot survey of graduates took place in eight countries (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Malta, Lithuania and Norway), where the post-graduate pathways of first, second and third level short cycle graduates were analysed, respectively one year and five years after graduation.

The results of the survey indicate what are the main factors for improving study outcomes:

an experience abroad during the course of study increases the student's problem-solving capacity; a "proactive learning environment", in which academic lessons are complemented by learning based on real problems and the world of professions, enables better preparation for the labour market; professional experience related to the academic pathway, within the curriculum, reduces the risk of being unemployed or finding a less qualified job by almost half. However, less than half of the respondents stated that they study in a proactive study environment, which demonstrates the need for further efforts to support such an approach.

The European Universities Initiative, a flagship project of the European Education Area, promotes a student-centred approach to learning and the challenges they face.

An analysis of graduate career path monitoring practices in the Member States, the UK, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein shows that we still need to make considerable efforts to achieve a comparable monitoring system at European level.

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