Project N. 2018-1-IT02-KA203-048091
6 Universities in Europe
1 Civil society organization
3 Intellectual
2 years project
Stuart Hall and the Rise of Cultural Studies
This week will be another important week for the Cultural Studies in Business Project
WIRE XI 2020 - 3 intensive days discussing research, innovation practices and challenges in Europe
Cultural and Creative Regional Ecosystems
CSB Project moving on!! It's time for Multiplier events and La Sapienza launches a 3rd Pilot Course
WEEK OF INNOVATIVE REGIONS IN EUROPE (WIRE XI) by University of Split (Croatia), CSB partner
About multilingualism policy - The EC promotes language learning and linguistic diversity across EU
Technology and Democracy: Understanding the influence of online technologies on political behaviour
The experience about the Pilot Course at WUC of Tirana by Sindi Seiti, a student of Economics
"Communication: the key to success project management" by Rogerta Leka, a student of WUC of Tirana
Education and training statistics. Access European statistics regarding EU education policy
Cultural and creative sectors
European policy cooperation (ET 2020 framework)
University Business Cooperation
Making the EU more attractive for foreign students
European higher education in the world
The Bologna Process at Twenty: Global Ambitions and EU Foreign Policy
About the EU higher education policy
A Union that strives for more My agenda for Europe
Achieving a European Education Area by 2025 and resetting education and training for the digital age