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CSB Erasmus Project - updates and future steps


Updated: Jan 30, 2020

The 4th Transnational Project Meeting of the project "Cultural Studies in Business" (strategic partnership in the field of Higher Education) took place in Tirana (Albania) on 17th-18th January 2020. The Albanian partner, WISDOM UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, hosting partner welcome the partner organizing 2 specific moments as established in the preparation phase.

An official 2 hours workshop on 17/01/2020 at 10 am in the morning for an external audience composed by lecturers and students who are going to attend the new "CBS Pilot Course" introduced formally by the university for the 1st semester 2020. From the afternoon of the same Friday 17/01 it started the Transnational Project Meeting (TPM n°4) during which the Team Leaders from Italy, Albania, Croatia, Portugal, Lithuania and Republic of North Macedonia met to share the state of art of the project and to discuss about the realisation of the "core business" (Output 2) and "the CSB pilot course".

In the next months are planned new Multiplier Events and it’s online the CALL FOR PAPERS of the "Journal of contemporary management issues" with a unique and priority deadline on 29/02/2020 . All partners are strongly asked to invite prestigious colleagues of Europe and beyond to propose papers and together to promote, share and disseminate results of the project in their numerous channels (official university websites, facebook pages and groups, personal or professional social profiles, mailing list, newsletters and working groups).

Partner are ready for the last Learning Mobility in Croatia (23-27 March 2020) organized by the University of Split.

The meeting in Tirana has been an important milestone for the partners involved. Team Leaders were also updated of the state of the art of the management process and budget monitoring and control by the Leader, La Sapienza University of Rome.

An hot and busy period started in January 2020 for all towards the last TPM n°5 which will be in Italy, hosted and organized by JUMP, the only NGO of the consortium supporting partners in many key aspects, especially communication, dissemination and promotion of this long term process.

#Csberasmusproject moving on towards the end and for the future sustainability of the project!


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