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La Sapienza is in first place in Italy in the CWUR international classification


Updated: Oct 23, 2020

The University gained 24 positions in the world ranking.

Sapienza University confirms itself in the first place in Italy in the international classification of the Centre for World University Rankings (Cwur) published on June 8, 2020. Compared to last year, the University gained 24 positions and now ranks in 114th position in the international ranking, including among the 0,6 Top of about 20.000 surveyed universities.

“I’m very pleased with the result also because, among its strong points, it had the research evaluation carried out in our university” - the Dean Eugenio Gaudio says - never as in this period, the awareness of how strategic is at country-level strengthen research in its different ramifications and put it at the service of citizens has spread.

The ranking is based on 7 parameters of which 4 related to Research Performance ( it is the best parameter for Sapienza); other considered criteria are Quality of Faculty, Quality of Education e Alumni Employment.

The rank sees in the first place overall at international level Harvard University, followed by Mit of Boston and Stanford University. At national level, after Sapienza, are placed University of Padova (164th position), University of Milan (179th position) and University of Bologna (182nd position).

Article published on Sapienza University website on June 8, 2020.

World University Rankings at the link

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