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The power of emotional value: moderating customer orientation effect


A contribution on the debate of Cultural Studies in Business written also by Prof. Dario Miocevic, Team Leader for the project for the University of Split, Vice Dean Research and International Cooperation, Associate Professor of Marketing, Visiting Professor at ADA.

We publish this article as CSB editorial team because lecturers involved in Cultural Studies in Business are living a learning process, sharing with colleagues of other universities in the European Higher Education Area lesson ideas, materials, methods and tools and this one is part of it.

From this very actual research we can all learn and have new ideas to start innovative business!

Our recent study shows that customer orientation should be carefully managed as "too much of a good thing" can really backfire. In this study we question that being overly customer-oriented can hamper the economic potential of professional service relationships. However, we also show that among suppliers that provide emotional value to customers such forceful customer-oriented activities are cherished by business customers. So even if your service/product is "one among many", you can still sustain your advantage with the brokerage of emotional value.


Just recently, the literature has established the existence of a dark side with regard to customer orientation (CO) in terms of sales performance. However, no clear position is presented about the possible dark side of CO when it comes to B2B relational outcomes, preventing managers from knowing when to accentuate/suppress CO activities. The aim of this study is to examine the relational consequences of suppliers' CO seen through the customers' lenses, and to investigate the moderating role of perceived emotional value in a professional service relationship context. A conceptual model anchored in value and relationship marketing theories is tested on a sample of 226 professional service firms' business customers, using the PROCESS routine. The study finds that perceived CO is related to satisfaction with the relationship and with relationship performance in an inverted U-shaped form, while satisfaction is positively related to relationship performance. We show that, although preferring to receive CO from their supplier, customers might want a relationship that is not as intense/comprehensive as the one that the supplier aims to achieve. The study unfolds emotional value as a moderating mechanism that can prevent the diminishing effect of CO activities.

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Written by

Maja Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, Department of Marketing, School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, Trg oslobođenja 1, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Selma Kadic-Maglajlic, Department of Marketing, Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Pl. 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark.

Dario Miocevic, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, University of Split, Cvite Fiskovica 5, 21000 Split, Croatia. Team Leader for the university for CSB project.

Published on Industrial Marketing Management - Volume 88, July 2020, Pages 12-21

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