Project N. 2018-1-IT02-KA203-048091
6 Universities in Europe
1 Civil society organization
3 Intellectual
2 years project
Technology and Democracy: Understanding the influence of online technologies on political behaviour
"Communication: the key to success project management" by Rogerta Leka, a student of WUC of Tirana
Education and training statistics. Access European statistics regarding EU education policy
Cultural and creative sectors
European policy cooperation (ET 2020 framework)
University Business Cooperation
Making the EU more attractive for foreign students
European higher education in the world
The Bologna Process at Twenty: Global Ambitions and EU Foreign Policy
About the EU higher education policy
A Union that strives for more My agenda for Europe
Achieving a European Education Area by 2025 and resetting education and training for the digital age
The Calabrian university system: a local perspective in a European frame by JUMP
EHEA at a glance! An overview on the university area in the European framework
La Sapienza is in first place in Italy in the CWUR international classification
Coping with Covid19 and the future - a reflection by Prof. Enriko Ceko of Wisdom University College
European Higher Education Area and Bologna Process. CSB in line and relevant to EU innovation action
Ethics in business and communication: common ground or incommensurable?
Next Generation EU: long life to Europe
Innovation in Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships. A second study on the impact by the Italian N.A.